Sunday, October 28, 2018


Having a sit down after a trip out to Tauranga Art gallery with my friends. I especially liked the crazy ceramic vessels.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Mossop's Honey

Yesterday we went to Mossop's honey shop. I enjoyed looking for the queen Bee, but I especially enjoyed tasting the different honeys, dipping and tasting myself. 

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Roger's Farm trip

Last Thursday I went to Roger's family farm with my friends. I enjoyed watching the bulls pass. 
I enjoyed going into the hen hut and seeing where the hens lay their eggs.
I enjoyed watching the calves drink the milk from the crate.
It was great seeing the massive tractor in action!
I really enjoyed driving through the fields in the van and seeing the pigs.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Countdown shop!

Yesterday I went to Countdown with my friends and helped put the items from the trolley onto the conveyor belt.

Noodle Day!!

Enjoying Noodles for international noodle day